It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you

Carefree is baaaaaaaaaaack!

You never know how much you miss something until it’s gone. And oh, how I’ve missed y’all!

Last we spoke, I dipped off to Mexico for a few months to get my mental, physical, and emotional health back in alignment after this pandemic said, “Gotcha b*tch! Ain’t no finale—I’m back for season two!”

Mexico was everything my spirit needed. I found an entire community of Black travelers who have taken advantage of working remotely, and have found safe havens in Latin American cities and countries like Playa Del Carmen, Merida, Mexico City, Colombia, and Costa Rica.

They are thriving in ways many of us dream about: spiritually aligned, starting businesses, practicing yoga, on healing journeys, and generally just enjoying life without the guilt of escaping systemic oppression in the U.S.A or fear of dying. It’s the self-assuredness for me. They knew that no matter what happened, everything was going to work out.

I recently was interviewed on a podcast, and when asked what I think it means to be a #carefreeblackgirl, this level of assuredness in our choices and who we are is what I see for us. Choosing ourselves, despite the odds, and being. Being in a state of rest, being in a state of stillness, or being in a state of movement. Just being in a way that feels true and good at that moment. Whether at home or a home away from home.

To clarify, being carefree as a Black woman does not mean living frivolously or without care for our community. Quite the contrary. It means that despite a never-ending cycle of trauma and disregard found in personal relationships, online, and at a global level, we’re still choosing worthiness—worthiness that says, My presence and my life still matters—despite the odds. In all of its regularity and its glory.

I can’t think of a better starting point for caring for your community than knowing your own worth. To the point where you can confidently teach others that they’re worthy too.

Affirmations: I am worthy of the fullness and the vision I have for my life. I embrace my journey because it is uniquely designed just for me. I operate from a place of peace and serenity.

Some new tings:

We have a team! Along with new authors, get ready to hear from new editors! Soon, you won’t just hear from me in these storyletters, but from a rotating cast of editors with different voices and perspectives.
Events & workshops As we continue to build this community, look out for more virtual and (depending on city guidance) in-person meetups, events, and workshops!
Carefree merch is on the way
You’ll want to have your coins ready, trust me.

Some housekeeping…

Make sure you never miss a storyletter: Add us to your contacts and, if you’re using Gmail, move us over to your “Primary” tab!

Share this Substack with your friends: Be THAT friend that always shares the new, cool thing by telling them to subscribe! Black-owned media is a dying breed, and the best support you can give Carefree right now is to subscribe and share with your networks.

Pitch a story to be featured in Carefree and our podcast: We’re always looking to feature new writers and perspectives. If you identify as a Black womxn, send us a personal essay pitch at I’m open to all pitches that fit the Carefree voice, but right now I’m particularly interested in these topics:

  • stories about your sex experiences

  • relationships, specifically about your experiences in traditional or untraditional marriage

  • being a sugar baby

  • moving and living abroad

  • “that one time when” stories, specifically crazy travel and/or party stories

  • psychedelic drug use

  • beauty

  • on being an athlete or working in sports

  • vaccination tales

and yes, our writers are paid! $$$

See you next week!

Take care,

Anayo Awuzie
EIC of Carefree